Dr. Sayali Tulpule


Welcome to  The New Clinic , where healthcare meets compassion. As a dedicated physician, Dr. Sayali Tulpule  brings years of experience.She is attached as Consultant to esteemed institutions such as New Clinic, Poona Hospital, MJM Hospital, and Pearl Women’s Hospital. Her commitment extends beyond medical expertise; it encompasses a compassionate approach to patient care and a passion for education. At the heart of her practice is a perpetual commitment to learning, ensuring you receive the highest standard of care backed by the latest advancements in medicine. Join her on a journey toward optimal health and well-being.

In her journey as a Consultant Physician  at renowned healthcare institutions which are The  New Clinic, Poona Hospital and Research Centre, MJM Hospital, and Pearl Women’s Hospital. These experiences have enriched her understanding of diverse medical scenarios, contributing to a holistic approach to patient care.

Teaching Engagement

I am actively involved in teaching programs at Poona Hospital and Research Centre where I contribute to the DNB program. Additionally, my commitment to education extends to collaborations with Sancheti Physiotherapy.

Being part of teaching engagements allows me to share my knowledge and experiences, fostering the growth of the next generation of healthcare professionals.

Professional Traits

As a healthcare professional, my practice is defined by a set of core traits

Compassionate Doctor and Caregiver

Compassion forms the cornerstone of my medical practice. I believe that empathy and understanding are essential components of providing effective and patient-centered healthcare. I am dedicated to creating an environment where patients feel heard and supported throughout their healthcare journey.

Dedicated to Finding the Best Solutions in Patient Care

My commitment to patient care extends beyond diagnosis and treatment. I am dedicated to staying informed about the latest medical advancements, ensuring that my patients receive the best and most up-to-date care possible. Every case is approached with thoroughness and a determination to find optimal solutions.

Perpetual Student with a Love for Teaching

n the ever-evolving field of medicine, I consider myself a perpetual student. I value continuous learning, keeping abreast of the latest medical research and technologies. This passion for learning extends to my role as an educator, where I find joy in imparting knowledge and nurturing the growth of aspiring healthcare professionals.

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